About Me

Hello, I am Ward, I am a Web developer. Thank you for taking a moment to take a look at my portfolio. Kindly take a moment to check some of my projects below, I have used React, Next.js, Node, MongoDB, tRPC, Prisma and many other technologies. and do not hesitate to Contact me for inquiries.




Notes web app that allows users to login, create, edit, and delete notes. built with Next.js, daisyui, PlanetScale, Prisma and tRPC

Stack: Next.js | tRPC | daisyui | PlanetScale | Prisma | Tailwind CSS | Clerk


Expenses Tracker

Expenses tracker Web Application. The UI was built in React, state management using Redux, database is managed using MongoDB, styles using Flowbite and Tailwind CSS, and the backend was bult with NodeJs and Express. The app allows the user to search, sort, add, update and delete expenses.

Stack: React | NodeJS | React-Router | Redux | MongoDB | Tailwind CSS


Movie DB

Popular movies database web application. The UI was built using Svelte, API from TMDB and styled using CSS.

Stack: Svelte | CSS



Tinder landing page clone using HTML and Bootstrap.

Stack: HTML | CSS | Bootstrap


Dual Keys Caesar Cipher

A dual keys instead of the regular one key Caesar Cipher Encrypter-Decrypter built with HTML, CSS, Bootsrap, and JavaScript.

Stack: HTML | CSS | Bootstrap | JavaScript


Flappy Bird

Flappy Bird game built with vanilla Javascript, html, and css using html Canvas.

Stack: Javascript | CSS


Markdown Previewer

Markdown previewer web application. The UI was built using React and styled using CSS.

Stack: React | CSS


Drum Machine

Drum machine web application. The UI was built using React and styled using CSS. Users are able to use the keyboard or click the buttons on the screen to play drum sounds.

Stack: React | CSS


Random Quote Generator

Random quote generator web application. The UI was built using React and styled using CSS. users can generate random quotes and share them on twitter.

Stack: React | CSS



Calculator web application. The UI was built using React and styled using CSS.

Stack: React | CSS


Pomodoro Clock

Pomodoro clock web application. The UI was built using React and styled using CSS. Users can set focus time and break time and start the countdown.

Stack: React | CSS


URL Shortner

NodeJS application that allows customers to enter a url and get a shorter url.

Stack: NodeJS | MongoDB

  • E-mail: wf.hadid94@gmail.com
  • Phone: (804) 497-6835